Act like a lady think like a man-Not!
The male psychology is so precious that women need to 'figure it out', just to survive.
Is it okay to say that I am just not interested in thinking like a man? And I don't believe most women are either. I'm no more interested in what men think than any other population.
For all people in general, observe their actions and you will learn all you need to know about that person. In the words of Maya Angelou, Believe someone when they show you who they are- the first time.
There is something fundamentally f%%ed up about the title of this book that I can't articulate. (Aside from the fact that it is a man telling women how to find success with his sex. Oh my gosh- gag me!!)
There are so many imposters in this world. I've worked with so many people who acted like they were one thing, when secretly they were something else.
Act like a teacher, think like a _____________.
Act like a gentleman, think like a ___________.
Act like an artist, think like a _____________.
Yes- there are some basic rules of dating that you have to stick to if you want mutual respect in a relationship. I get that. But truthfully, every man I've dated has been his own person.
But if this book leads you to your true love- more power! Just ask yourself though, what's in my heart- and does it match my actions?
In the meantime, the only time I'm acting like anything- is when I am on stage.
We are all human beings, not human doings!