Ratings Downpour

Rate- rah-tay as the French say. FAIL.

The American Credit rating is officially down the toilet. According to Standard and Poor's?? that title says too much- what are the standards and who are the poor? and according to whose standards might I add? Any how, America's credit rating is officially now a grade lower than it has ever been in history. Is this so terrible?

This means that now our credit limits and mortgages are going to be higher. We will have to pay more for those purchases that we charge to our credit cards. Higher mortgages? Higher credit card interest. Hardly a reason to throw yourself out of a window.

Scroll down to the next story and what is written there is truly a cause for concern. Mortal concern.

See while, we are bemoaning the situation in our country which is incredibly serious and could cause changes to the global economy, thereby setting off a chain of disastrous events that will hop from continent to continent like...those pixie things in Harry Potter.. what are they called????

Anyhow, while this is going on, there is a famine in East Africa. A famine that is threatening the lives, the human lives of many real people. Not credit cards, or mortgages.

I just think we need to remember that while we have these terrible problems with our credit, there are countries where people are struggling to survive.

For basic human survival.


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