The Jesus Year

This is my Jesus Year.

Well, not my Jesus Year. That sounds a little, cheeky and cheap. A little too Welcome to Graceland cheesy.

But this is the year that Jesus fufilled his purpose and followed his higher calling, to his ultimate death on the cross. When my best friend and I celebrated our birthdays this year, we were born in the same week, however a year apart! She told me that I would be the Jesus Age. The Jesus Age? I wasn't quite sure what she meant. She went on to explain that 33, was the age of Transformation.

Well that was quite a lot to swallow. Lately things in my life had been going pretty rocky.  I was in dire straits financially, and I couldn't seem to get a hold on my body image, which was of course a result of my worry over my finances. Although my 29th year, which I heard was the return of Saturn? was brilliant. In just one short year, all of the gusto from the 29th year had completely gone out of my sails. The winds had changed, and I was in a rut.

When I turned 30 I felt like I had taken three steps backwards. Like I said, all of the energy and gusto that seemed to be carrying me through the end of my twenties just fizzled out!!By the time I reached 30, it was boredom city! Nothing new going on!

So I knew about the seven year cycle, and how the seventh year is usually growth and change. Great I thought, I just celebrated my seventh year at 28!! You mean I m going to be limping along for another five years??? G-R-E-A-T!

And here's comes 33. 33 folks, the age of Transformation. Just what the doctor ordered. So I decided that this would be a year of change and transformation. And not just physical transformation, sometimes the most permanent changes are the ones that can not be seen with the seeing eye. This is the time for me to change those things that have been my 'achilles heel' shall we say.

I read on another blog that Jesus followed his plan, and focused on his higher calling, and showing restraint against his emotions. This is actually something that successful people do, and as someone moving towards a artistic livelihood that is dependent upon personal opinion, these words ring of true and very very sound advice.

So goodbye July and Hello August. And Five more months until the end of this wonderful year. It is not what my eyes see, but finding peace within myself.


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